All Participants will be required to sign a printed disclaimer form prior to lessons and bike hire. All Participants Aged 18 or under are required to have the Disclaimer countersigned by a Parent or Guardian so they will also need ot be present. A copy of the disclaimer is shown below :
Whilst E-SCAPE Electric Riding Zones Ltd (‘the Company’) take all necessary precautions to try and ensure the safety of all participants, unfortunately accidents, collisions & mechanical failures may all occur randomly or as a consequence of individual participants pushing themselves and the equipment they are using to extreme limits. This notice is intended to make you aware of the real risks involved in this sporting and recreational activity.
Off-Road Riding is a physical, outdoor, all weather activity, which has inherent hazards, associated with it. As advised on our website, please ensure you wear suitable clothing and all safety equipment as provided by E-SCAPE namely boots, helmet, goggles, gloves plus any further equipment that you feel is necessary for your own personal protection.
Each Participant should familiarise themselves with the hazards and try and minimise these as much as possible by complying with our track rules, safety briefings, instructions and guidelines both written and verbal.
The Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage to personal property resulting from any person’s involvement in the sporting activity of Off-Road Riding or whilst on site.
Photographs may be taken during the session and these may be used for marketing our services on social media and our website.
• I accept that there is a risk of injury when undertaking the Sport of Off-Road Riding and I am participating at my own risk. I am aware that I can withdraw from the activity at any point should I no longer be comfortable with the risks or if I consider myself to be at risk from other riders.
• I confirm that I do not know of any medical condition that I suffer from which is likely to affect prejudicially my control of the vehicle and/or represent a danger to myself or other persons, or which might have the effect of making it more likely that I be involved in an incident, which could result in injury to myself or others.
• I acknowledge and confirm that I have read and understood the Company’s Terms and Conditions, and acknowledge that I will be given a Safety Briefing prior to the activity. If there is anything that I am unhappy about following the safety briefing and prior to commencement of the activity, I have the right to request that I am removed from the activity and return to the E-SCAPE Building.
• I consent to emergency medical treatment being given if deemed necessary during the activities I partake in.
• I agree that damage caused to the bike or property as a result of my negligence will be paid for by me.
Please sign below to confirm that you have read and fully understood the above statements and that you understand the extreme nature of the sporting activities that you are about to embark on and partake in.
Date: …………………………
Name of Participant : ……………………………………………………………………………….
Address: …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..
……………………………………………………………………………E Mail : ……………………………………
Signature: …………………………………………………………………………..
If you are signing as a Parent or Guardian on behalf of the Participant under the age of 18 please tick this box
© E-SCAPE Electric Riding Zones Ltd 2018